
Please Pray For Us

Please pray with us that God would prosper our way as we seek to plant an Independent Baptist Church in Ashland, OR.

The following are a few ways you can pray with us:

Spiritual Passion

Pray that, regardless of how long it may take us to get to Ashland, we would stay red hot with the passion and burden God has put on us. 

Financial Provisions

Pray that God would bless us with a short deputation so that we can plant the church in Ashland as soon as possible.

Church Location

Please pray for us as we begin looking for a meeting place. 

Physical Protection

Pray for us as we travel across the country presenting our ministry to churches.

Emotional Perseverance

Deputation and the preparations to plant a church can be an emotional roller coaster. There are days and weeks  of great forward progress, and there are days it seems like nothing is happening.

Fruit that Remains

Pray for present and future fruit. We desire to be used of God while on deputation. We also desire to see God bring forth fruit (souls saved, lives changed, and families restored) once we get to Ashland. Please pray for souls to be saved and then for those souls to grow in their relationship with Christ.

Church Planting Team

Pray that God would bless us with the perfect group of people that have a heart for Ashland to join us in aiding the plant of this church.

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